Saturday, November 10, 2007

Absolutely Speachless

It's odd, losing your voice...I've been talking like I'm up to 3 packs a day for 5 days now and there seems to be no end in sight. The only real cure for laryngitis is not talking which is difficult when you have to work and take care of your family. At work I just didn't talk if I didn't absolutely have to. Which, in the case of today where talking may have added fuel to an already negative fire , was probably a good thing. On the home front, my wee girl has a magna doodle which was my communication of choice for the evening. And luckily she can read. However, there were several games of Shirades at the dinner table which proved to be more humourours then informative.

But now, it's just me and my thoughts. My better half has gone to work for the evening and my wee girl is in bed. Not talking makes me sleepy, makes me relax which makes me think that maybe a lot of the time what I'm talking about is not worth saying outloud. If I didn't feel the need to vent all the time and say every little thought that came into my head, at home anyway, perhaps all of us would be a little more relaxed. My wee girl often feeds off my moods and if I'm in a yelly, tense place she is too. But since I wasn't talking tonight, she seemed to feed off my quietness and it was a generally pleasant evening all round. We even managed to get through bath time without ANY screaming despite her getting water all over her face. This is a record for sure!

So without sending myself into a shame spiral in regards to how my crappy moods and endless venting and my often micro managing mothering can sometimes make everyone around me miserable, I think I'll take a lesson from my forced speachless phase and think more before I talk and really examine if what I about to say is absolutely necessary for everyone to hear.

'Til next time,

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