Friday, September 26, 2008

Help! I've been bit by the Procrastination Bug!

As we all have been from time to time eh Blog Fans? Today the bug has bitten because I HAVE TOO MUCH TO DO and my brain hurts and when my brain hurts I get sleepy. My parents arrive tomorrow morning after a years absence from the Miramichi. We are all excited and for their arrival, but, as with any visit, this means a large amount of cleaning. Normally I can tackle cleaning with very little injury to my brain, but today I'm feeling overwhelmed by the thought of many weeks of cleaning and sorting and packing to come. Now don't get me wrong, we are also excited about our upcoming move into our new home. Sean and I will be celebrating our 11th anniversary next week and this will our first home purchase. It's been a long time coming. But but but..the packing...anyway...enough whining, it will get done, tired brain or no. I'm starting to pick away at it today while cleaning out drawers in our bedroom and bathroom for my parents. Well, for their things...I'm not making them sleep in a drawer....And while I was packing up a bedside table drawer I found a piece of my past in a brown envelope right at the bottom; poems from 10 years ago. In order to further my procrastination, I'm going type some of them out pour lovely BF's.


Devil Box

I am a potato without a couch.
One day I woke to find that my couch was missing.
In its place was a note.
It read "You have used me long enough to waste away your dreams
and your ambitions.
I have gone to live them for you."

So now I sit on the floor of my apartment.
I bask in the soft blue glow of my devil box
and wonder how my couch is doing.



Secrets of the soul
told only to the sea
become oceans of whispers
that wash up on the shore.

The memories of forgotten people
are picked up by strangers
and taken home
to be kept in jars.



I see the world reflected in my computer screen
I see myself
The world outside my windows, I don't know.
The world inside my windows, I know everything.
It is large enough.
It is fulfilling enough.
It is enough.
To keep me from knowing the world outside my windows.


Soul Music

We sit on a log watching the sea,
it's roar deafens us to other sounds.
The soaring of the gulls and the rhythm of the waves are soothing.
The music of the ocean
a beautiful symphony my heart loves to hear.
You say something to me,
but the salty breeze takes it away.
All I see is the movement of your mouth.
I smile because you are smiling and turn my head back to the sea
wishing that you too could be music for my soul.


And that's it for now Blog Fan's. Be nice...I was only the tender age of 25 when I jotted these down on company time at the currency exchange I was working at at the time.


I remain,
As CIN-ical as ever.

1 comment:

lmbarker said...

You are so creative and deep. I can appreciate your talent since I am really quite shallow. Have you tried to get your works published? Your entries are really entertaining.